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What to Know About Private Property Towing in Houston, Texas

Dec 1

When looking for a private property towing service in Houston, Texas, you must know about the different laws and regulations. This blog post will explore all of the details related to private property towing in Houston. We will also discuss what type of tow truck services can be provided on private property. If you are interested in learning more about this topic, please continue reading!

What is Private Property Towing in Houston, Texas?

Private property towing in Houston, Texas, is the act of removing unauthorized vehicles from the private property so that they cannot be driven. This can include parking lots or public streets where cars have been left for more than three days without any payment made, and there has also been no activity on the vehicle since it was parked (such as a flat tire, etc.). The law states that when an owner requests this action by giving written notice posted near their vehicle, it must be towed within four hours to the Houston towing company. Vehicles may only remain on private property 48-hours before being removed at the expense of their owner/driver if they hold proof such as license plates, registration cards, and keys.

Why would someone call for Private Property Towing in Houston, Texas?

People may need to call private property towing in Houston, Texas, for several reasons. The most common reason is that the vehicle owner did not move it from an approved parking space, and they left that spot open for someone else who needs it more than them. Another perfect example could be if you're having your car towed away by police or another authority figure due to outstanding violations like unpaid tickets and fines.

What are the legal requirements to have your car towed by a private property towing company in Houston, Texas?

The legal requirements are that the towing companies Houston must have a written agreement with the property owner or manager. If no such agreement exists, they cannot legally tow your car from private property in Houston, Texas. The law requires that the towing company keep a record of all tows performed, and if no such agreement exists, it is presumed that they cannot legally perform any more private property tows.

Who can request that my vehicle be towed from private property?

Towing companies in Houston can tow vehicles from private property if they contract with the business or residential complex for towing services. They do not need permission from individual car owners, and there is no requirement that notice be given before your vehicle is towed.

American Wrecker Company
605 E Tidwell Rd Ste C, Houston, TX 77022
(713) 681-9732